Laser Spider Vein Removal FAQs

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Laser Spider Vein Removal FAQs

Laser spider vein removal is an effective procedure that can permanently remove unsightly or embarrassing spider veins from your face and legs. It’s a minimally invasive procedure, with no anesthesia required and no recovery downtime needed after treatment.

During this treatment, our medical professionals inject the spider veins with a specialized salt solution that scars and seals the vessels shut, making them disappear. The treatment takes place in a doctor’s office and typically requires several sessions to achieve the desired results.

How Do I Know If Laser Spider Vein Removal Is Right For Me?

When it comes to choosing the best treatment for your vascular issues, you need to take into account your individual health and medical history. An experienced vascular specialist can help you decide which technique is most suitable for your situation.

Sclerotherapy is an effective option for larger varicose veins on the legs, while laser therapy is ideal for smaller spider or telangiectasia veins that are resistant to sclerotherapy.

What Kind of Laser Do You Use to Treat Spider Veins?

Lasers have a wavelength that is specifically tailored to target blood vessels. The energy from the laser penetrates the surface of the skin and causes the vessels to collapse, sealing them from the inside and allowing the body’s natural scavenging cells to eliminate them.

The process is quick and painless, with most patients experiencing no bruising or swelling. A numbing cream may be applied before the laser is used. The skin will remain a red or purple color for a few hours after the treatment, and the blood in the veins is typically removed by your body over time.

How long does it take to get rid of spider veins with laser?

Most people experience noticeable results within 2-6 weeks of the treatment. Throughout the course of these treatments, you’ll notice the unsightly veins gradually fade from dark blue to light red before disappearing entirely.

Can I do a lot of activity after laser spider vein removal?

Depending on the size of your spider veins and your capacity to heal, you can return to work and most activities immediately after treatment. Some patients also choose to wear compression stockings for a few days after the procedure.

What are the side effects of laser spider vein removal?

Laser spider vein removal is a safe, non-invasive procedure that can be performed on all skin types. It is a great treatment for both small and large spider veins, including those in the upper and lower leg areas.

It is a great treatment for women and men of all skin colors. Unlike more invasive methods of vein treatment, such as sclerotherapy and vein stripping, laser spider vein removal has no long-term side effects or complications.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Spider Vein Removal?

In addition to removing unwanted veins, laser spider vein removal restores your skin’s appearance. When your skin is smooth, even and free from unsightly blood vessels, it can improve your overall appearance and self-esteem.

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