Fractional CO2 Laser Machine For Photorejuvenation

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Fractional CO2 Laser Machine For Photorejuvenation

A fractional CO2 laser machine is a professional grade device that delivers highly effective and safe treatment of skin imperfections like wrinkles, fine lines, photodamage, uneven skin tone, scarring, and skin laxity.fractional co2 laser machine It also treats benign tumors, skin tags, and skin growths.

Fractional CO2 lasers have been proven to deliver remarkable results in photorejuvenation, and they are considered the best non-invasive alternative to more invasive procedures like tumescent liposuction, and laser skin resurfacing.fractional co2 laser machine They use a high-powered CO2 laser that breaks down light into micro treatment zones to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and promote collagen formation.

The laser pulsates multiple microthermal zones deep into the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and new, healthy skin cells. The resulting skin improvement can last for years, making the laser an excellent treatment option for patients looking to slow or stop the aging process.

It is important to remember that you will need to treat a few different areas for different reasons and your laser expert will be able to advise on the best method for you. However, in general, you can expect the results from your treatment to be noticeable within 3-6 months after your procedure.

Typically, the treatment takes about an hour for full face and you will be numb from the numbing cream that is applied before the treatment. It will feel a bit like prickling and it is common for people to find that it is mild.

The laser beam is delivered through a tiny needle that penetrates your skin. The laser then breaks up the beam into thousands of microscopic treatment zones, and these treatments create pixel-sized perforations in the skin that cause your body to release the cytokines that stimulate new collagen, tissue regeneration, and skin repair.

This procedure causes a superficial wound to your skin that will take about 2 to 10 days to heal. It is important to keep the treated area cool and moisturized with dexpanthenol-containing petroleum jelly or a ceramide-rich moisturizing product.

After the procedure, you will experience some redness and a small amount of swelling in the area. You will also notice scabs on the treated area that are expected to fade in about a week.

You will need to avoid sun exposure until your skin has completely healed from the treatment. Once your skin is healed, you will have to wear a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to protect the treated area from further sun damage.

Depending on your needs, you will need one to several treatments of the fractional CO2 laser. The results will appear gradually after your first few treatments and you will start to see the full impact of your treatment in about 3-6 months after your final appointment.

The downtime of the laser is relatively minimal, ranging from 3-5 days for lighter fractional CO2 treatments to 7-10 days for deeper ones. You will need to ice the affected area, and you will need to be careful not to scratch the treated area.

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